Wanzyee Studio

Custom UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour. More...


class  AppCommonAider
 Aid component to run the application. More...
class  BaseSingleton< T >
 Base class to implement the singleton pattern for UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour. More...
class  DummyBehaviour
 Allow to be attached to a UnityEngine.GameObject without doing anything else. More...
class  EditorEventListener
 Wrapper to listen to editor global event to dispatch. More...
class  EventDelegator
 Wrap a method to be invoked by UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent. More...
class  EventDelegatorGroup
 Group and reorder multiple EventDelegator to invoke at once. More...
class  EventKeyInvoker
 Invoke event by single keyboard input operation. More...
class  EventManualInvoker
 Invoke event manually, exposed for arranging and assigning to UI events. More...
class  EventMonoInvoker
 Invoke event by specified UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour message. More...
class  EventTimeInvoker
 Invoke event by delay and repeat time. More...
class  FramerateCounter
 Calculate FPS at runtime, optional to show on GUI with color warning. More...
class  KeyClickExecutor
 Execute click event on an object when the specified key pressed and this center clickable. More...
class  MonoEnableInvoker
 Invoke event when MonoBehaviour.OnEnable() and MonoBehaviour.OnDisable(). More...
class  MonoFixedUpdateInvoker
 Invoke event when MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate(). More...
class  MonoLateUpdateInvoker
 Invoke event when MonoBehaviour.LateUpdate(). More...
class  MonoUpdateInvoker
 Invoke event when MonoBehaviour.Update(). More...
class  Note
 Note of UnityEngine.GameObject for the Notebook window. More...
class  PooleeEventTrigger
 Trigger events when the object pool moves this in or out. More...
class  ProcessLauncher
 Start an external process window. More...
class  RaycastMaskFilter
 Filter raycasts by a mask UnityEngine.Texture2D for non-rectangle area of effect. More...
class  RaycastVisibilityFilter
 Filter raycasts by the alpha and proportion inside the viewport. More...
class  ResolutionSetter
 Set standalone player window resolution, position and style. More...
class  StackConsolePanel
 Stack panel to show debug logs on runtime GUI with regex pattern filter. More...
class  StackGroupPanel
 Stack panel to display multiple sub panels together. More...
class  StackTweakPanel
 Stack panel to show and edit variables of VariableTweaker attached above this. More...
class  StackWindow
 Stack window to display multiple stack panels in one GUI window together. More...
class  VariableTweaker
 Save variable values serialized by Json.NET to a specified file, or load it back. More...

Detailed Description

Custom UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.