Wanzyee Studio
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NWanzyeeStudioThe root namespace include all classes from Wanzyee Studio
 NConverterInclude concrete and utility classes for TypeConverter
 NEditrixThe root namespace of all Unity editor related classes
 NExtensionAll extension methods for runtime classes are defined within
 NJsonInclude concrete and utility classes for Newtonsoft.Json
 CAidGUIImplement some runtime GUI layout and functional aid methods.
 CAppCommonAiderAid component to run the application.
 CBaseSingletonBase class to implement the singleton pattern for UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.
 CCoroutinerRun coroutines globally.
 CCryptoAsciiWrapper to encrypt and store a ASCII string, usually used for an identity.
 CCryptoBoolWrapper to encrypt and store a bool.
 CCryptoCacheWrapper to encrypt and store a value with obfuscated cache for performance.
 CCryptoDateWrapper to encrypt and store a System.DateTime.
 CCryptoFloatWrapper to encrypt and store a float.
 CCryptoIntWrapper to encrypt and store a int.
 CCryptoLongWrapper to encrypt and store a long.
 CCryptoObjectWrapper to encrypt and store an object supported by UnityEngine.JsonUtility.
 CCryptoPeriodWrapper to encrypt and store a System.TimeSpan.
 CCryptoPrefsAccess UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs encrypted by specific device.
 CCryptoStringWrapper to encrypt and store a string.
 CCryptoValueWrapper to encrypt and store a value to avoid leave plain data in the memory.
 CDateTimeFieldWrapper of System.DateTime for serialization, the precision is seconds.
 CDummyBehaviourAllow to be attached to a UnityEngine.GameObject without doing anything else.
 CEnumConstraintAttributeUnityEngine.PropertyAttribute to select the enum from specified values.
 CEnumFlagAttributeUnityEngine.PropertyAttribute to multi-select flag mask enum by drop-down menu.
 CEventDelegatorWrap a method to be invoked by UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.
 CEventDelegatorGroupGroup and reorder multiple EventDelegator to invoke at once.
 CEventKeyInvokerInvoke event by single keyboard input operation.
 CEventManualInvokerInvoke event manually, exposed for arranging and assigning to UI events.
 CEventMonoInvokerInvoke event by specified UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour message.
 CEventTimeInvokerInvoke event by delay and repeat time.
 CFilePathAttributeUnityEngine.PropertyAttribute to set the file path by Drag'n'Drop or a selecting panel.
 CFramerateCounterCalculate FPS at runtime, optional to show on GUI with color warning.
 CGoogleLegacyLanguageTranslatorGoogle translator web client using legacy API.
 CIAidDrawerInterface of generic value drawer.
 CILanguageInstantTranslatorInterface of an instant translator to convert dynamic text between languages.
 CILanguageTranslatorInterface of a translator to convert a text between languages.
 CInitializeMethodAttributeAdapt built-in initialize method attribute with callback order.
 CIoUtilityInclude some convenient methods to extend IO operation.
 CIPooleeInterface of instance managed by object pool.
 CISerializerInterface of data serializer.
 CIStackPanelInterface of stack panel, for StackWindow to draw the GUI.
 CJsonNetSerializerSerialize data with Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.
 CKeyClickExecutorExecute click event on an object when the specified key pressed and this center clickable.
 CMathUtilityInclude some of common math, about counting, geometry, lerp.
 CMatrixUtilityInclude some operations or properties for TRS UnityEngine.Matrix4x4.
 CMonoEnableInvokerInvoke event when MonoBehaviour.OnEnable() and MonoBehaviour.OnDisable().
 CMonoFixedUpdateInvokerInvoke event when MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate().
 CMonoLateUpdateInvokerInvoke event when MonoBehaviour.LateUpdate().
 CMonoUpdateInvokerInvoke event when MonoBehaviour.Update().
 CMyMemoryLanguageTranslatorMyMemory translator web client.
 CNoteNote of UnityEngine.GameObject for the Notebook window.
 CPeriodicInquirerFor a value source without change event, periodically check it to invoke an event when changed.
 CPooleeEventTriggerTrigger events when the object pool moves this in or out.
 CPopupMenuAttributeUnityEngine.PropertyAttribute to set property by a popup menu.
 CPrefabPoolMaintain the instances created from the prefabs, for reusing in the current scene.
 CProcessLauncherStart an external process window.
 CRaycastMaskFilterFilter raycasts by a mask UnityEngine.Texture2D for non-rectangle area of effect.
 CRaycastVisibilityFilterFilter raycasts by the alpha and proportion inside the viewport.
 CReorderableListAttributeUnityEngine.PropertyAttribute to Drag'n'Drop to reorder an array or list.
 CResolutionSetterSet standalone player window resolution, position and style.
 CSingletonAgent to implement the singleton pattern for UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.
 CSpanDefine a numeric range.
 CStackConsolePanelStack panel to show debug logs on runtime GUI with regex pattern filter.
 CStackGroupPanelStack panel to display multiple sub panels together.
 CStackTweakPanelStack panel to show and edit variables of VariableTweaker attached above this.
 CStackWindowStack window to display multiple stack panels in one GUI window together.
 CTimeRecorderMeasure the elapsed time sections and provide better log text.
 CTimeSpanFieldWrapper of System.TimeSpan for serialization, the precision is seconds.
 CTypeConstraintAttributeUnityEngine.PropertyAttribute to filter the assigned object type by constraints.
 CUniqueTimestampUTC timestamp that unique in current process.
 CUnityJsonSerializerSerialize data with UnityEngine.JsonUtility.
 CVariableInfoContain FieldInfo or PropertyInfo and instance to access variable.
 CVariableTweakerSave variable values serialized by Json.NET to a specified file, or load it back.
 CWwwLoaderBasically a wrapper of UnityEngine.WWW for work easier.
 CWwwOptionURL and some options for WwwLoader, cast from string to create if use URL only.